Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine influenza - 29th April 2009

My sister informed last week about the swine flu which I have been watching on TV over here when it was at level 3. Now at level 5 we are taking precautions as anyone should. One thing is defrosting the little freezer we have so that we pay less unnecessary visits to the supermarket over here. Although there has been no confirmed cases in Colombia, we are pre-empting things.

However everything is looking OK over here compared to other countries especially USA and Mexico.

Despite the above precautions we had to go out to send an important fax for the GDA but after 5 attempts at different shops it’s proving to be impossible and a pain in the butt. Again I got told that the problem could be coming from Gibraltar but I very much doubt it.

I have several times tried to explain were Gibraltar is with the fax ordeal jejejeje.

Me: “Can you send international faxes?
Attendant: “Yes but where is that?”
Me: “It’s in the South of Spain, a British Colony”.
Attendant: “Oh it’s Spanish then!!!!
Me: “NOOOO señora it’s a British Colony
Attendant: “Oh OK but you use the dialling code of Spain then!!!!
Me: “NOOOO señora we are a different country, this is our international code”.

You get the gist jejeje

I have emailed the committee / bank and offered an alternative which is to send the documents by courier DHL. I did forward the documents by email beforehand for the bank to confirm correct before sending them over.

Before heading off to bed I unplugged the fridge to defrost it, ready to be cleaned out in the morning.

Good night and be safe.

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