Sunday, May 10, 2009

Seafood - 8th May 2009

My gatita has a healthy appetite much like me which of course is a good thing. She has been bugging me (for lack of a better word) and has wanted to eat fish for a while now.

So today I promise her we will eat fish even if we don't find a place and I tell her that I will buy a fish at the supermarket and cook it myself if we don't fnd a suitable venue.

Luckily we found a one so she was left happy. It turned out to be rather expensive considering everything is cheap here (for Colombia it was expensive). Apart form that it was very good.

I nearly had one of my episodes and was feeling dizzy but I was able to control it with some sugar from my gatita's grape juice to boost me, so all good. I must take care and drink more water as suggested by my doctor.

In the evening we visited the cinema and watched the newly released Star Trek film. Up to now I've enjoyed all the movies watched.

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